Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October really?

I can't believe it is already October. Time has gone so quickly...for real, it seems like i just arrived, yet at the same time like this is my home. We had some sick children for a couple weeks. It seems like everyone here has a cough or runny nose. Hopefully as we get closer to the end of the rainy season and into the windy season that will go away. I haven't gotten too sick, just a small cough and a few allergy problems from time to time.

So what's new? I can't say too much has changed. I've done a bit more traveling, gone to the beach a couple times (I love it there. Shane has a membership at Club Salvordorano and it is beautiful. There are huge waves from the ocean, but for those of us (me and the kids) who don't like to go in the salt water, there are two super nice pools (a kids-size and adult-size). We have our own cabanas with hammocks and changing area. Such a great place to go!!!). I've gone to the zoo, which was so funny. You see, we are all gringos (white people) so when we go out, everyone stares...everyone. So at the zoo people got brave and came over to talk to me and see if I could speak spanish, then they wanted to know what we were doing in El Salvador. When I tell them that Shane works at the embassy...oh ok. And that's usually the end of the conversation. It's funny. The zoo was pretty nice. Monkey island was the best part; they are so funny! We went to the playground for a bit and Alex and Sydney were swinging with some JR HI/HS age girls in the swings. Alex loves the girls, especially if they are older than he is. This girl asked him what is name was (Alex who doesn't liket o speak spanish) and he said Spiderman - with a spanish accent of course trying to impress her. So funny.

I haven't gotten involved with the youth at church because my schedule doesn't allow for it but I will begin to teach the 5th and 6th grade kids once a month. I have great intentions of emailing the pastor to see what else I could help with, but of course I haven't done that, since I'm online so much.

I did begin a bible study with some ladies of the church. I enjoy our group. It's a funny mix of people but they are very interseted in the history and really desire to grow closer to God.

I'm currently looking for a language school, to help with my spanish. And....I have my security briefing tomorrow morning!!! YEAH! Access to the embassy. What a blessing!

Well time has run out and I need to go pick up the I will hopefully update the rest of the details and pictures soon.


  1. Good to hear an update - Hope you find a good language school soon! :)
    The Spanish church plant is having its first (pm) service this Sunday!

  2. What's involved in a "Security Briefing"? And what does it mean for you to have access to the embassy? Thanks for the update girl! =)
